Introduction : Garlic, known by its botanical name Allium sativum which was known to be known to Egyptians, used in traditional medicine where China dominates with 80% of the total global supply. In garlic, bulb is used as the most common part which is normally divided into flesh sections called cloves. They grow mainly in tropical regions and grows well in cooler climate. Cloves are enclosed in a white or pink purple tinged papery membrane and are actually swollen specialized leaves.There are two basic types of garlic: hardneck and softneck. Hardneck garlics are characterized by hard, woody central stalks that extend down to the basal plate at the bottom of the bulb. Softneck garlics are thought to have evolved from hardneck garlics. Softnecks have a non-woody pseudostem formed from overlapping leaf sheaths and rarely send up a flower stalk. Medicinal Uses : Garlic is widely used as a medicine worldwide and is regarded as an aphrodisiac. Garlic